Walking, talking, dancing, pitching fits, hitting, throwing, biting, singing, spinning in circles... the list goes on.
Being a mom is great, hard, sucky, super-fun, exhausting, lonely, and never boring. Don't get out much these days, only occasionally, which is really all I need. Don't see friends much, don't see movies, considered a bitch by most, have a new found love for Kanye West, Pink, Rhianna, Annie Lennox and Christina Aguillera, love old haitians, want to build my outdoor woodfired clay oven, and I love Pizzaiolo.

Happy Hippo Pie. Yes, its a Hippo. And its happy. To be on a pie.

The things in the background are trees... Lake Siskyou along with Lake Shasta and The River are pretty much drying up and we are standing on the lake bed in this picture. There were beehives in some of the trees as well as hornets' nests.