Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Simple pleasures.

A close friend sent me this link. I am thinking about using it. There are more illustrations. Its all about centrifugal force.

Figure 3.
It kinda reminds me of that story by Kafka. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/kafka/inthepenalcolony.htm
What a crazy contraption.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Previously unreleased

This must be what I look like everytime someone tells me,"You HAVE to get this for the baby," or "You soooo don't need that."

At first I was really grateful for all of the helpful feedback and advice I was receiving from folks because I felt really overwhelmed, but then I started to realize that I didn't agree with all the advice and helpful hints I was getting. Mainly because I was and am doing my own research, but mainly because I like to figure things out and ask questions. I don't like being given the answers to problems, except if I just absolutely cannot find the solution. This applies to all areas of my life, not just the 'having a baby' part.

I run into this with my husband sometimes. He likes to help. In fact his favorite thing to say is, "Look. I helping," when he is 'helping' me, like during dinner prep. Its cute. Sometimes not.

I think that some people believe that if you are not asking questions, then you are either being naive, or scared, or just plain ignorant, so they offer up advice.

Don't get me wrong, I DO appreciate all of my friends helpful hints, I just don't like the offense that is taken when I don't agree or subscribe to a certain belief. Every child is different, and I don't know what kind of child will be popping out of my womb, so I am content to take it as it comes.

Monday, February 19, 2007

3 of 7

3 of the 4 cats that reside in the house. The fact that these 3 in particular are sleeping together is unique because the black & white one is constantly at war with the gray stripey one, and the one in the middle loves EVERYONE. After the picture was taken, they immediately disbanded and have not done this since.

I was thinking about finding a place to donate all the loose cat hair so they can make yarn out of it. Seriously. I hear they do that kind of stuff now.
And then, the baby would have some cool stuff to sport around in. Made from cats.
And stuff.

A shiny Dot on the beach...

Saturday was a bay day for the doggy. Albany Bulb has a great little stretch of beach that you can take your dog to, so we went and got all sandy. And she got all wet.
I pretty much stood up the whole time we were there because its really hard to get up from places now.


I just have to say that I am not one of those lovey earth mothers who is totally in love with pregnancy. I mean, I love my belly and its contents, but 9 months is entirely way too long to have a living thing gestate inside of you or, take over your body, so to speak.
Seriously. What if the gestation was shared by the male? Imagine that. The first 4 and a half months the man gets to be sick and disoriented and emo-ish. His breasts would go thru 'false' lactation. Ha.
Then the pregnancy would transfer to the woman thru copulation for the next 4 and a half months. The fetus or embryo would still be small enough to pass thru the penis without too much pain.
There could be worse things...
I had some coffee with a friend today and she said, "God, I love how honest you are about it."
Really? I would think that there are more women out there who feel the same way and talk about it.
I actually had a mother scowl at me when she exclaimed,"Isn't pregnancy wonderful?!?" and my response was less than enthusiastic.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Here it is!

Ok. The registries are up. Look to the right on your screen. There will probably be more, but for right now, these are the basics.
The Babies R Us link should take you right to the gift page. The Target.com link takes you to the main page, then you do a search under the gift registries 'Find a target baby registry' link under one of our names. You should be able to find it as we are both registered on the account.

Check back in a couple of days because I will post the diaper service we will be using, too.

Oh, have I mentioned that pregnancy is fun AND exciting? Just in case you were wondering.
Its fun and exciting, being kicked from the inside, feeling the little circus performer dancing on your bladder, flipping...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


And yes, it says 'Labia'.

Girls, girls, girls!

Yes, she is looking at you...