Friday, March 9, 2007

If you're a dude...

...Don't ever ask a woman who is pregnant 'what' she is doing for the preparation of the baby to come.

If you're a dude, you have no idea what she is doing. She is doing stuff you can't see, as well as stuff that you can see. She is busy being overwhelmed with hormones, emotions, tasks that need doing, and a nesting instinct so strong it keeps her up at night. Oh, and so soes the little one in her belly. She also gives up any right to her body whatsoever, turning it over to hemorrhoids, spider veins, swollen body parts, heartburn, constipation, insatiable hunger, chronic shooting pain in parts of her body where she has never felt pain before, big, sore boobs, skin irritations, goddamn the list goes on. And some of these things happen all at once. Imagine that.

She is also 10 times more tired than you are, no matter what you do, and she won't tell you that because that is just part of building a baby inside of her body.

If you are a woman who is pregnant or has been pregnant I give you a GIANT high-five, and if I know you and you contact me, I will buy you a milkshake or a banana split just because. Just because. Just because.


Anonymous said...

i'm flying home for a fat shake on you......that might help the swelling.... think about it.... a shake on you!

babymomma said...

Ha ha lady.
Swelling? No one said anything about swelling! Except, maybe, my boobs?
Its almost grotesque.

Anonymous said...

"spider veins, SWOLLEN BODY PARTS, heartburn, constipation,"

errr....... correct me if i am wrong..... but uh......

you did! and i totally understand and am so glad it's over.

babymomma said...

See? See how a pregnant brain works?
Of course I said that. I must havee been thinking about something else, or channeling wheen I wrote that.

"I did not say that" comes up a lot these days. Great. More ammo for my dear husband-face.